We 41st Infantry Division veterans can rightly be proud of the great history which we have written over 38 years. In over 200 histories (over 400,000 words) we have compiled the most dramatic and accurate history possible about almost all companies – or battalions where company histories were impossible to obtain.
By combining the first Fighting Jungleers collection with a second Fighting Jungleers collection, we have a nearly total coverage of our division’s three campaigns. We have in the second collection all four histories of ourselves with our Amphibian Engineers attached at our most dangerous landings: Salamaua (at Nassau Bay), Hollandia with the great fire, Wakde and Biak. We have at least one history about every rifle company of 162 and 163rd Infantry in the Papuan Campaign. To produce these 200-odd histories, I have interviewed and corresponded with 41st Division veterans and researched among archives for over 30 years. It has been hard work, but writing this Fighting Jungleers with the help of many other division association veterans has been one of the happiest acts of my life. Dr. Hargis Westerfield.